Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Country Dog is Born

On February 17th, 2001, my life began. It was an ordinary beginning meaning it all began with the stork dropping us off. Boy did my mom love me then.. The reason I say then is because now you would never know she was my mom. Its' a doggy dog world which isn't to say I had a bad mom but in the animal world when you are weaned mom starts getting a little grouchy and you are thrown out of the nest as soon as you can find your first meal. They took over after my real dog mom had decided I was all grown up. One day some of my siblings that I loved to play with began to disappear and I thought it was stranger abduction. I ran and hid from these strangers when they came. People of all shapes and sizes would come and look over our family of 6 kids and one by one these odd humans would leave with my siblings. Tears would come to my eyes when they would be staring back at me. I really did not think that human people really understand how sad I was to be losing my family. I also noticed that my human mom and dad had tears coming from their eyes. I felt better after noticing that they checked the humans out very well making sure my siblings were going to be well taken care of. I began to wonder that maybe I would be the next to go. I was lucky today as I got to stay with my human mom and dad. I hoped my brother would have good humans to care for them. Stay tuned for my life and times in the next posting and I hope you will return.

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